- 15%

Beware of what you breathe! Pure chalk with no additives

Camp Chunky Chalk 450g chalk

 6,50  5,50

450 grams of bone-dry, super-pure chalk sealed in a large zip lock bag.

  • Crumbled super dry CAMP climbing chalk in a durable, resealable bag


CAMP (Concezione Articoli Montagna Premana) is situated in the small mountain village of Premana, Italy. This is a place where history, experience, imagination, and verticality have coalesced into a veritable crucible of mountain culture and product engineering. A century and a quarter of innovation that begins with the origins of modern mountaineering and ends with CAMP’s global reputation for producing the lightest piece of gear in nearly every category.



Formato: 120g e 450g

1 review for Camp Chunky Chalk 450g chalk

  1. Mirella

    La magnesite Camp mi piace perchè non fa polverone, i grumi sono comodi da mettere nel portamagnesite

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